Welcome to The Bio Dude!
A complete, self-sustaining bioactive vivarium kit for Florida King Snakes. King Snakes are hardy North American colubrids found throughout the United States. Versatile, active hunters, they seek out vertebrate prey wherever they can. They appreciate both terrestrial and arboreal elements in their home such as plenty of places to burrow, climb, and bask.
With this Bio Dude kit, it will allow your King Snakes to create tunnel systems in their vivarium while allowing them to have access to humid pockets in the Firma. This helps with shedding, respiration, and hydration giving your Florida king a perfect habitat. These king snakes appreciate a hotspot of 90F and a benefit from optional UV exposure (5% UV strip bulb will suit them well). The plants included are suitable for these larger snakes and can handle the weight of them and do great with humidity spikes throughout the day.
Care Sheet for a Florida Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula floridana)
This kit does not contain the enclosure, clean up crews, or any UVB or heating elements your pet will need!
Looking for a good clean up crew for your King Snake? Check out our Corn Snake Clean Up Crew Pack!
——10 Gallon——
x2 Terra Firma 6 quarts
x1 The Bio Dude Compressed Sphagnum Moss Brick 150 Grams
x1 Oak/Beech Oak Leaf Litter 2 quarts
x1 Southern Palm Leaves 6 quarts
x1 Bioshot 12 quart
x2 Small Cork Bark Flats x2
x1 Dragon Driftwood Small 4" - 5"
x1 12" Solar Grow LED w/ internal mounting hardware
x1 Solar Grow Daisy Chain 8"
x2 3"-4" pot Tropical Plants (The Dude's Choice)
——20 Gallon Long——
x1 18 quart bag of Terra Firma- The Dude's handcrafted substrate. Holds all tunnels and burrows. Great for temperate biomes.
x1 6 quart bag of Terra Firma- The Dude's handcrafted substrate. Holds all tunnels and burrows. Great for temperate biomes.
x1 Bioshot 24 quart
x2 Small Cork Bark Flat
x2 Dragon Driftwood Small 4" - 5"
x2 3"-4" pot Tropical Plants , The Dude's Choice
——40 Breeder or 36" x 18" x 18”——
x1 Terra Firma 36 quarts
x1 Bio Dude Leaf Litter 6 quarts
x1 36 quart Bioshot
x2 Medium Cork Bark Flats
x3 Dragon Driftwood Small 8" - 12"
x1 24" Solar Grow LED w/ internal mounting hardware
x4 3"-4" pot Tropical Plants The Dude's Choice
——55 Gallon——
x2 Terra Firma 6 quarts- The Dude's handcrafted substrate. Holds all tunnels and burrows. Great for temperate biomes.
x1 Terra Firma 36 quarts - The Dude's handcrafted substrate. Holds all tunnels and burrows. Great for temperate biomes.
x2 The Bio Dude Compressed Sphagnum Moss Brick 150 Grams
x1 Oak/Beech Oak Leaf Litter 6 quarts
x1 Southern Palm Leaves 6 quarts - Great for mixing into your deep substrate to help with aeration and air pockets. Please note, you may have some material left over.
x 1 36 quart Bioshot + 1 12 quart BioShot - The perfect shot for your terrarium
x1 Large Cork Bark Flats
x2 Cork Bark Branch Large 24" - 32"
x2 Dragon Driftwood Small 8" - 12"
x1 36” Solar Grow LED w/ internal mounting hardware
x6 3"-4" pot Tropical Plants ,The Dude's Choice
——75 Gallon——
x2 Terra Firma 36 quarts - The Dude's handcrafted substrate. Holds all tunnels and burrows. Great for temperate biomes.
X1 Oak/Beech Oak Leaf Litter 6 quarts
x1 Southern Palm Leaves 6 quarts - Great for mixing into your deep substrate to help with aeration and air pockets.
x 2 36 quart Bioshot - The perfect shot for your terrarium.
x2 Large Cork Bark Flats
x3 Cork Bark Branches Large 24" - 32"
——4’ x 2' x 2’——
x4 Terra Firma 36 quarts - The Dude's handcrafted substrate. Holds all tunnels and burrows. Great for temperate biomes.
x2 Oak/Beech Oak Leaf Litter 6 quarts
x 4 36 quart Bioshot - The perfect shot for your terrarium.
x3 Large Cork Bark Flats
x4 Cork Bark Branch Large 24" - 32"