Welcome to The Bio Dude!
A complete self-cleaning, self-maintaining bioactive Gray and Green Tree Frog habitat kit. These larger, North American Tree Frogs are great beginner tree frogs and do excellent in groups. Humidity spikes that range throughout the day with a mild hot spot is recommended, as these frogs enjoy a mild UVB source with a hot spot of around 80 degrees. branches, moss vines, and leafy plants are utilized heavily by these frogs, which makes them excellent terraria candidates. Gray Tree frogs, especially, blend right into their branches or cork tubes, quite the adaptation for the terrarium! The Dude highly recommends adding the Bio Shot into your vivarium for maximum plant nutrition and growth.
Can You Keep a Wild Reptile as a Pet?
This kit does not contain the enclosure, clean up crews, or any UVB or heating elements your pet will need!
Looking for a good clean up crew for your American Green Tree Frogs? Check out our White's Tree Frog Clean Up Crew Pack!
——10 Gallon High——
x1 bag of 6 quart HydroGrow - Drainage layer.
x1 vivarium screen divider 10 gallon - Drainage layer divider
x1 bag of 6 quart Terra Fauna - The Dude's one of a kind substrate for high humidity biomes.
x1 The Bio Dude Compressed Sphagnum Moss Brick 150 Grams
x1 Cacao Leaf Litter 20 ct
x1 6 quart Bioshot - This is the perfect shot for your terrarium.
x2 Cork Bark Branch 10" - 14"
x2 3"-4" Tropical Plants (broad leaves and/or ferns), The Dude's Choice
x1 12” Solar Grow LED w/ internal mounting hardware
x1 Solar Grow Daisy Chain 8"
——20 Gallon High——
x2 bag of 6 quart HydroGrow - Drainage layer.
x1 vivarium screen divider 20 gallon High - Drainage layer divider
x2 bag of 6 quart Terra Fauna - The Dude's one of a kind substrate for high humidity biomes.
x1 12 quart Bioshot - This is the perfect shot for your terrarium.
x1 Malaysian Driftwood Medium 11" - 13"
x3 3" -4" Tropical Plants (broad leaves and/or ferns), The Dude's Choice
——29 Gallon——
x1 bag of 18 quart HydroGrow - Drainage layer.
x1 vivarium screen divider 29 gallon - Drainage layer divider
x1 bag of 18 quart Terra Fauna - The Dude's one of a kind substrate for high humidity biomes.
x1 18 quart Bioshot - This is the perfect shot for your terrarium.
x2 Cork Bark Branch 18" - 21"
x2 Malaysian Driftwood Medium 11" - 13"
x4 3" -4" Tropical Plants (broad leaves and/or ferns), The Dude's Choice
x1 24” Solar Grow LED w/ internal mounting hardware
——55 gallon——
x2 bags of 18 quart HydroGrow - Drainage layer.
x1 vivarium screen divider 55 gallon - Drainage layer divider
x2 bags of 6 quart Terra Fauna - The Dude's one of a kind substrate for high humidity biomes.
x1 of 36 quart Terra Fauna - The Dude's one of a kind substrate for high humidity biomes.
x2 Cacao Leaf Litter 20 ct
x1 36 quart Bioshot - This is the perfect shot for your terrarium.
x3 Cork Bark Branch 24" - 32"
x2 Malaysian Driftwood Large 16" - 18"
x1 36” Solar Grow LED w/ internal mounting hardware
——12" x 12" x 18”——
x1 vivarium screen divider 12 x 12 - Drainage layer divider
——18" x 18" x 24”——
x1 vivarium screen divider 18 x 18 - Drainage layer divider