Welcome to The Bio Dude!
*The plant pictured is not necessarily the plant you will receive*
Common Name: Air Plant
Scientific Name: Tillandsia sp.
-Care Recommendations By The Dude-
Best for These Animals: Any and all species of tropical and temperate reptiles and amphibians, with special emphasis on arboreal (tree-dwelling) species.
Bio Dude Substrates: TerraFlora, TerraFauna, some TerraFirma & TerraAranea
Soil Depth: *Should not be planted in substrate, but grown epiphytically/mounted.*
Lighting: Most light levels suitable-- higher light may cause the leaves to blush red in some species. Low light may inhibit flowering. Do not place directly beneath heat or basking lamps.
Humidity & Misting: 40%-100% *Higher humidity preferred, but can tolerate low humidity / *Must be misted AT LEAST once a week to provide proper hydration. Air Circulation is crucial to prevent rot.*
It is recommended to mist with collected rain water, reverse osmosis water, or distilled water, since water from the tap, in some areas of the country, may contain chloride and/or fluoride, which tillandsias can be sensitive to, and may affect them detrimentally over time.
Mature Plant Size & Root System: Tillandsias are a type of bromeliad and are completely epiphytic, meaning they gather all of their moisture and nutrients from the environment rather than the substrate. The slight fuzz or bumps on the leaves are called trichomes, and are the specialized plant organ that allows the tillandsia to function this way! Tillandsia, once mature, will produce an inflorescence bearing multiple small flowers, but after flowering the tillandsia will slowly die. During this process, the tillandsia may develop "pups" or offshoots from the base of the plant which will grow to mature size. It is best to leave pups attached until they are mature, or until the mother plant has died away. They have insignificant fibrous root systems used primarily for anchorage rather than water absorption.
Temperature Tolerance & Placement in the Terrarium: High temperature tolerance. Best when mounted (in high humidity environments).
Edible & Side Effects if Ingested: Non-toxic if consumed, though these are typically used for ornamental, not edible, purposes.
Pot Size & Packaging: Five tillandsia plants will be shipped bare-root, wrapped in newspaper or in a small paper bag.
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