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Arcadia Shade Dweller Max

Product Description

24" Fixture length

One area of reptile keeping that has been severely overlooked is the correct provision of UV lighting for snakes, and especially those living in larger more naturalistic or bioactive enclosures. This 24" ShadeDweller caters well for smaller species and for snakes whilst coiled at basking, but it became clear very quickly that the most commonly kept species being 3’/90cm in length or more would benefit more with exposure that covers much more of the body, and within the light and shade method.

ShadeDweller-Max is the perfect choice for these species where an environment has been created to allow self-regulated basking, but also poses very little risk of over exposure as the snake moves around the enclosure (transient exposure). We all know that most snakes love to climb, and we should allow this wherever possible to increase enrichment of the body and mind and to allow the animal to experience light at differing angles. ShadeDweller-Max 14w ProT5 is suitable for use with Arcadia Reptile LampGuardPro, the easy to use UV lamp cage.

ShadeDweller-Max has been designed with the needs of captive snakes in mind, but this should not limit its use, it is just as much a powerful tool for some lizards and amphibians living in larger enclosures that fall into Zone 1-2 and are able to safely climb to self-regulate.

ShadeDweller-Max arrives complete within the ShadeDweller-Max ProT5 fitting which as always allows easy linking to other ProT5 fittings and JungleDawn-LED Bar. These fittings are tuned to Arcadia Reptile German made lamps, are flicker free, quick start and complete with plenty of internal electronic protection. ShadeDweller-Max is a SO-T5 lamp and as with all Arcadia Reptile lamps has a full 12 month UV potency, when used for up to 12 hours a day and with Arcadia Reptile fitting.

Using the very latest in German lamp technology we have created yet another brand new lamp for reptiles in SO-T5 that draws just 14watts but is over twice as bright as our 8w ShadeDweller lamp. This increase in brightness or ‘lumen output’ includes the whole spectrum of the lamp, even UV. As such to hit the target UVI of 1.00-1.50 at 12”/30 to basking, this clever lamp only requires 2.5% UV-B within the total spectrum of the lamp. So, if you were wondering why the ShadeDweller 8w lamp has 7% UV-B and ShadeDweller-Max only 2.5% UV-B, to achieve a very similar result, then this is your answer, the lamp itself is more powerful over the whole spectrum of the lamp, so to reach optimal UVI at the target distance the % if UV-B is reduced, the resulting UVI however is very similar in both cases.
