Welcome to The Bio Dude!
A beautiful, natural piece of Spider Wood that is heat treated at 200 prior to receiving. This unique wood does great in all Bio Dude Bio Active terrariums. Spider wood is one of the most popular vivarium woods due to it's unique texture and beautiful coloring and branch appearance. This wood, being very hard, but rather light is great for utilizing in backgrounds and is great for the Dude's Moss Spore mix or Moss Fusion in wet biomes.
This stuff is the bees knees when it comes to creating root barriers for aquascaping/paludarium scaling or mimicking a treetop canopy for some of your arboreal lizards and snakes. This hardwood is somewhat mold resistant and are all one of a kind!
Piece pictured is a representative of what you will receive. The Dude does his absolute best to provide some of the best wood for your BioActive BioDude terrariums.