Welcome to The Bio Dude!
A complete self cleaning, self maintaining bioactive vivarium kit for a Crocodile Skink. Also known as the Red Eye Skink, these secretive, unique lizards are found in Papa New Guinea and Indonesia in the humid forest floor. In the wild, they are commonly found under rotting wood piles, stacked rocks and under dense leaf litter. These lizards enjoy high humidity, at least 80% with lower temperatures between 68-78 degrees. It is recommended to utilize a Mist King, Humidifier, or incorporate a large water dish into the vivarium. These are a paludarium approved species and if setup correctly, can thrive with a larger water feature. Red eye crocodile skinks are wonderful terraria subjects and flourish in the BioDude BioActive Terra Flora substrate. It is recommended to utilize springtails and isopods in conjunction with your MicroFlora (BioShot) included. The isopods recommended would be Dwarf Whites, Purples and potentially powder blues if aeration is efficient enough. This kit is designed to provide a crowded habitat. Being a secretive species, we hope to incorporate lots of opportunity zones to provide your lizard the ability to be out in the open, but still feel secure. Many of these zones will be on the ground, as these kits do provide plants for a height aspect, many of the components will be ground cover and/or easy to climb woods/accents.
Red Eye Crocodile Skink Care and Bioactive Maintenance
This kit does not contain the enclosure, clean up crews, or any UVB or heating elements your pet will need!
Looking for a good clean up crew for your Crocodile Skink? Check out our Crested Gecko Clean Up Crew Pack!
——10 Gallon——
x1 bag of 6 quart HydroGrow - Drainage layer.
x1 vivarium screen divider 10 gallon - Drainage layer divider
x1 bag of 6 quart Terra Flora - The Dude's one of a kind substrate for high humidity biomes.
x1 The Bio Dude Compressed Sphagnum Moss Brick 150 Grams
x1 Cacao Leaf Litter 20 ct
x1 6 quart BioShot - This is the perfect shot for your terrarium.
x1 Amazon Driftwood Small 6" - 8"
x2 Cork Bark Flats Small
x1 Live Pillow Moss
x1 Neo. Bromeliad Offset. 4"-6" tall. The Dude's Choice.
x1 Pack Bromeliad Mounting Clips (you will have some left over).
x2 3"-4" pot tropical plants. The Dude's Choice.
x1 12” Solar Grow LED w/ internal mounting hardware.
x1 Solar Grow Daisy Chain 8"
——20 gallon Long——
x2 bag of 6 quart HydroGrow - Drainage layer.
x1 vivarium screen divider 20 gallon - Drainage layer divider
x2 bag of 6 quart Terra Flora - The Dude's one of a kind substrate for high humidity biomes.
x1 12 quart Bioshot - This is the perfect shot for your terrarium.
x2 Amazon Driftwood Small 6" - 8"
x3 Cork Bark Flats Small
x2 Neo. Bromeliad Offset. 4"-6" tall. The Dude's Choice
x1 Pack Bromeliad Mounting Clips (you may have some left over)
x2 3"-4" pot tropical plants. The Dude's Choice
x1 12” Solar Grow LED w/ internal mounting hardware
——24" x 18" x 18”——
x1 bag of 18 quart HydroGrow - Drainage layer.
x1 vivarium screen divider 24 x 18 gallon - Drainage layer divider
x2 bags of 18 quart Terra Flora - The Dude's one of a kind substrate for high humidity biomes.
x1 36 quart Bioshot - This is the perfect shot for your terrarium.
x2 Amazon Driftwood Medium 10" - 12"
x1 Cork Bark Flats Medium
x3 3"-4" pot tropical plants. The Dude's Choice
x1 24” Solar Grow LED w/ internal mounting hardware
——36" x 18" x 18" or 40 breeder——
x2 bags of 18 quart HydroGrow - Drainage layer.
x1 vivarium screen divider 36 x 18 - Drainage layer divider
x2 The Bio Dude Compressed Sphagnum Moss Brick 150 Grams
x2 Cacao Leaf Litter 20 ct
x3 Cork Bark Flats Medium
x2 Live Pillow Moss
x2 Neo. Bromeliad Offset. 4"-6" tall. The Dude's Choice.
x1 Pack Bromeliad Mounting Clips (you may have some left over).
x1 6" pot Mother Bromeliad, or 6" assorted fern, The Dude's Choice.
x3 3"-4" pot tropical plants. The Dude's Choice.
——55 gallon——
x1 vivarium screen divider 55 gallon - Drainage layer divider
x2 bags of 6 quart Terra Flora - The Dude's one of a kind substrate for high humidity biomes.
x2 The Bio Dude Compressed Sphagnum Moss Brick 150 Grams.
x1 Malaysian Driftwood Large 16" -18"
x1 Cork Bark Flats Large
x3 Live Pillow Moss
x4 Neo. Bromeliad Offset. 4"-6" tall. The Dude's Choice.
x1 Pack Bromeliad Mounting Clips
x4 3"-4" pot tropical plants. The Dude's Choice.
x1 36” Solar Grow LED w/ internal mounting hardware