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Isopods are one of the most beneficial microorganisms that thrive in your bioactive habitat. Many of them are very efficient at breaking down waste, organics and ensuring the nutrition and longevity of your bioactive substrate.
Ideal Temperature Range: 72F - 80F
Ideal Humidity Range: 60%-100%
Ideal Bio Dude Substrate: Terra Isopoda, Terra Aranea, Terra Fauna, Terra Flora
Ideal food choices: Repashy Morning Wood, Repashy Bug Burger, Carrots, Cucumber
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Panda King Isopods (Cubaris sp.) were originally imported from Vietnam. These isopods are very rare and recommended for intermediate keepers. This species is known for taking a while to get established, much like the "rubber ducky" but once it becomes set they breed relatively easily.
Their Role in a Bioactive Terrarium: Isopods are commonly found in moist environments and play a vital role in bioactive or naturalistic terrariums. Acting as essential members of the cleanup crew, they facilitate the decomposition of organic matter such as dead plants and animal waste. This activity is instrumental in maintaining a healthy environment by mitigating waste buildup and averting foul odors. Isopods typically consume resources such as The Bio Dude Leaf Litter, rotting wood, various barks, and fecal waste from inhabitants.
Bioactive Vivarium Seeding: Moreover, isopods contribute to bioactive vivarium seeding by dispersing beneficial microorganisms as they traverse the substrate. This process enhances soil enrichment and fosters plant growth, thereby establishing a harmonious ecosystem. Introducing them to the terrarium is a simple process; one can gently place them into the habitat. For guidance on determining the optimal quantity of isopods for habitat seeding, consult our guide on terrarium seeding.
Nutrition and Long-Term Health: Ensuring the well-being of isopods necessitates providing a diverse diet comprising decaying plant matter, vegetables, and calcium-rich foods like eggshells or calcium bones. This dietary variety ensures they receive essential nutrients for growth and reproduction. The availability of ample rotting wood, biodegradables, and leaf litter is pivotal for success. Fresh fruits such as zucchini, potatoes, carrots, or squash can be utilized, though any uneaten vegetables should be removed within 24 hours of application.
Isopods as Feeders: Isopods also serve as natural and nutritious feeders for certain reptiles and amphibians. Due to larger size of the Pandas many lizards and large amphibians will hunt them down quickly if the substrate is not deep enough.
Culturing Isopods: Culturing isopods entails creating a suitable environment mimicking their natural habitat, including providing an appropriate substrate, maintaining optimal moisture levels, and offering hiding places. Regular monitoring and maintenance are imperative to sustain a healthy culture and ensure a continuous food source for pets. We recommend utilizing a minimum of an 18-quart locking tub with adequate ventilation, containing a 2”-4” layer of Terra Isopoda, abundant Bio Dude leaf litter/biodegradables, and some Bio Dude Sphag Moss mixed in for humidity retention