Welcome to The Bio Dude!
Common Name: Marble Peperomia, Marble Baby Rubber Plant
Scientific Name: Peperomia obtusifolia 'Marble'
-Care Recommendations By The Dude-
Best for These Animals: Crested Geckos, Gargoyle Geckos, Leachie Geckos, Corn Snakes, Temperate/Tropical King Snakes, Blue Tongue Skinks, Tree Skinks, many arachnids and more!
Please note that the stems on these plants are not very woody, and that larger animals may break/tear them with their weight.
Bio Dude Substrates: TerraFlora, TerraFauna
Soil Depth: Shallow to moderate, with proper drainage
Lighting: Low to medium indirect light
Humidity & Misting: 50%-100%, with higher humidity levels suggested for optimal growth.
Mature Plant Size & Root System: These mound-forming plants will max out at about 10 to 12 inches tall and possess thick, corrugated leaves. Their very thin, fibrous root systems are shallow, but allow for maximum water absorption with adequate humidity.
Temperature Tolerance & Placement in the Terrarium: Too high temperatures/low humidity may cause leaves to brown. Best if used as an underplanting or corner placement. Can also be used as a front (low) groundcover, if pruned back.
Edible & Side Effects if Ingested: Non-toxic if consumed, though these are typically used for ornamental, not edible, purposes
Pot Size & Packaging: A single 4" potted peperomia plant is shipped in the pot, wrapped in paper.