Welcome to The Bio Dude!
-Care Recommendations By The Dude-
Best for These Animals: Crested Geckos, Gargoyle Geckos, Leachie Geckos, Corn Snakes, Temperate/Tropical King Snakes, Blue Tongue Skinks, Tree Skinks, Many arachnids and more!
Bio Dude Substrates: TerraFlora, TerraFauna
Soil Depth: Shallow to Moderate with proper drainage
Lighting: Low to Medium
Humidity & Misting: 50%-100% / Suggested
Mature Plant Size & Root System: These mound-forming plants will max out at 8 inches tall and possess thick, corrugated leaves / Very thin, fibrous root systems are shallow but allow for maximum water absorption with adaquet humidity
Temperature Tolerance & Placement in the Terrarium: Too high temperatures/low humidity may cause leaves to brown / Front (low) groundcover, underplanting or corner placement recommended
Edible & Side Effects if Ingested: Non-Toxic if consumed though these are typically used for ornamental not edible purposes
Pot Size & Packaging: A single 4" potted Peperomia plant / Plant is shipped in the pot wrapped in paper.