Welcome to The Bio Dude!
Common Name: Rough Variegated Gasteria
Scientific Name: Gasteria spp.-Care Recommendations By The Dude-
Best for These Animals: Leopard Geckos, Fat Tail Geckos, Viper Geckos, Uromastyx, Bearded Dragon, Frilled Dragon, and other desert to arid loving herps.
Bio Dude Substrates: TerraSahara, TerraAranea and some TerraFirma
Soil Depth: Shallow.
Lighting: High, but shouldn't be placed directly under a heat or basking lamp.
Humidity & Misting: 0 - 40%; none required.
Mature Plant Size & Root System: Several inches tall and wide, with a shallow fibrous root system.
Temperature Tolerance & Placement in the Terrarium: Can take relatively high temperatures. Works best a front (low) planting, or as a corner placement.
Edible & Side Effects if Ingested: No side effects if ingested.
Pot Size & Packaging: A single 3" pot gasteria is shipped in the pot, wrapped in paper.