Welcome to The Bio Dude!
Common Name: Tornado Dracaena, Tornado Plant
Scientific Name: Dracaena fragrans 'Tornado'
This particular variety of dracaena has leaves that curl slightly in the same direction, giving it the appearance of rotation, reminiscent of the shape of a tornado.
-Care Recommendations By The Dude-
Best for These Animals: Small and medium sized reptiles and amphibians from tropical and temperate climate zones.
Bio Dude Substrates: TerraFlora, TerraFauna, TerraFirma & some TerraAranea
Soil Depth: All soil depths suitable with proper drainage.
Lighting: Low to medium indirect light preferred; can tolerate high light but may turn lighter green. Placement directly under a basking or heat lamp may result in burnt leaves.
Humidity & Misting: 40%-95% humidity suggested for optimal growth, but can tolerate less than 40% in certain circumstances.
Mature Plant Size & Root System: This variety can get several feet tall over time, but doesn't get very wide. However, it can be selectively pruned to keep size in-check. Root system can eventually get extensive, but not usually invasive in an enclosure.
Temperature Tolerance & Placement in the Terrarium: Prefers temperatures in the 65 to 80 degree Fahrenheit range, but can take between 60 and 85 degrees. If pruned to keep size low, it can be used as a lower understory plant, or, if allowed to grow tall over time, it can be used as a background plant or corner placement.
Edible & Side Effects if Ingested: Non-toxic if consumed, though these are typically used for ornamental, not edible, purposes.
Pot Size & Packaging: A single 4" potted dracaena plant is shipped in the pot, wrapped in paper.