Reptile Misting Systems for Terrariums
One of the most important aspects of reptile and amphibian husbandry is the regulation of their biome. Automatic reptile misting systems are excellent for ensuring they are consistently hydrated, on a healthy rain cycle which will overall benefit their health long term. Automatic terrarium misting is a necessity for most reptiles kept in screen cages, such as chameleons. It is very important to know what type of husbandry you are providing to give your herps the healthy life they deserve!
Mist King parts are identified via color for the Dude’s order fulfillment specialists to ensure the correct product is shipped.
Reptile Misting Systems and Parts
Fluker's Mini Dripper - Reptile Drip System 12 oz
Fluker's Mini-Dripper Reptile Drip System 12 oz Many tropical and forest-dwelling reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates drink by licking moisture off of leaves or other objects. Reptile Drip Systems simulate this unique form of drinking in your pet's terrarium. Great for all chameleons, geckos, anoles, mountain horned lizards, calotes, sailfin ...