Reptile Soils
Southern Palm Leaves 6 qt
Southern Palm Leaves 6 qt
This is by far one of the most utilized biodegradeables in TheBioDude's facility. The stringy, fibrous nature of the palm leaves provides the perfect consistency for organic nutrition for your BioDude bioactive substrate. I use the palm leaves in all of my frog grow outs as it creates small feeding stations. Simply pull, shake and watch all your...
Isopod Paperback Bark 6 qt
Isopod Paperback Bark 6 qt
This is by far one of the most utilized biodegradeables in The Bio Dude's facility. This stuff is the beez neez for microfauna. It's porous, lightweight, long lasting, stringy nature makes it long lasting in the vivarium and an excellent food source for earwigs, springtails and isopods. The stringy, fibrous nature of the paperback bark provides ...
Southern Palm Leaves 36 qt
Southern Palm Leaves 36 qt
This is by far one of the most utilized biodegradeables in TheBioDudes facility. This stuff is the beez neez for microfauna. It's pourous, stringly nature makes it long lasting in the vivarium and an excellent food source for springtails and isopods. The stringy, fibrous nature of the palm bark provides the perfect consistency for organic nutrit...
Sycamore Bark 36 qt
Sycamore Bark 36 qt
This is another essential biodegradeable in The Bio Dude's facility. This stuff is the beez neez for microfauna. It's long lasting, soft, woody nature makes it an excellent food source for springtails and isopods. Simply pull, shake and watch all your springtails and isopods fall right off of it. When utilizing in a vivarium place the bark right...