Welcome to The Bio Dude!
Learn the ways of The Bio Dude. This kit includes everything you need to start culturing your own isopods. This is a great way to seed multiple tanks or to start your own small isopod collection.
For Isopods that require extra protein; such as Dairy Cow, It is recommended to supplement with freeze dried shrimp.
Looking for some isopods? Check out our Clean up Crew page!
——Included in this Kit——
x1 16 qt Clear Tub with lid
x1 4oz Bug Grub
x1 Calcium Bone
x1 Soil Cal Plus
x1 6 quart bag of The Bio Dude's substrate of your choice (see options below!)
x1 2 quart Cork Bark Chunks
x1 2 quart Leaf Litter (The Dude's choice between Magnolia, Indian Almond, Oak leaves)
x1 6 quart Bio Dude Southern Palm Fronds