Complete clean up crew culturing kits and exclusive products created by the Bio Dude to successfully culture your own springtails, isopods and other detrivores commonly used in bioactive terrariums.
Many of our kits have been used for years and have been given an excellent reputation of providing success and easy startup. Wanting to culture your own clean up crew so it is easier to maintain your bioactive terrarium habitat? Look no further!
Isopod and Springtail Culturing Kits and Supply
Ca+ Bone 100% Natural
Ca+ Bone 100% Natural
The Dude's Ca+ bone calcium supplement. This 100% natural product is 5" long. Ca+ bone's are great for providing to your pet turtles and tortoises that need extra Calcium. Many turtles and tortoises will readily eat these as well as some larger lizards. Being 100% natural Ca+ bones are broken into smaller pieces easily and can be mixed into you...