Complete clean up crew culturing kits and exclusive products created by the Bio Dude to successfully culture your own springtails, isopods and other detrivores commonly used in bioactive terrariums.
Many of our kits have been used for years and have been given an excellent reputation of providing success and easy startup. Wanting to culture your own clean up crew so it is easier to maintain your bioactive terrarium habitat? Look no further!
Isopod and Springtail Culturing Kits and Supply
Sycamore Bark 6 qt
Sycamore Bark 6 qt
This is another essential biodegradeable in The Bio Dude's facility. This stuff is the beez neez for microfauna. It's long lasting, soft, woody nature makes it an excellent food source for springtails and isopods. Simply pull, shake and watch all your springtails and isopods fall right off of it. When utilizing in a vivarium place the bark right...