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4" Pot Austral Gem Fern

Product Description

Scientific Name: Asplenium x australicum 'Austral Gem'

This particular fern has relatively large, glossy leaflets, and is somehwhat more rigid compared to some other ferns.

-Care Recommendations By The Dude-

Best for These Animals: Small-to-medium sized reptiles and amphibians

Bio Dude Substrates: TerraFlora, TerraFauna, TerraFirma

Soil Depth: All soil depths with proper drainage.

Lighting: Low to medium indirect light.

Humidity & Misting: 45%-100%, with higher humidity levels preferred.

Temperature Tolerance & Placement in the Terrarium: Too high temperatures or low humidity may cause leaves to brown.  Does best with temperatures in the 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit range, but can tolerate up to 85 degrees.  Best if used as a front (low) groundcover, underplanting, or mounted (only in high humidity conditions). 

Edible & Side Effects if Ingested: Non-toxic if consumed, though these are typically used for ornamental, not edible, purposes

Pot Size & Packaging: A single 4" potted Austral Gem Fern plant is shipped in the pot, wrapped in paper.



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