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Help USARK Fight For Your Rights!


The Bio Dude, Inc is proud to support and donate monthly to USARK.



Not only can you donate at checkout to support this cause, you can also get a membership to support them. The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is our frontline defense against Lacy Act amendments. They are a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization that protects the freedom of responsible reptile keeping through education, litigation, and conservation. As the voice of the industry, USARK advocates for the responsible private ownership and trade of reptiles and amphibians across the country.

USARK Mission Statement

“USARK is a science, education and conservation-based advocacy for the responsible private ownership of, and trade in reptiles and amphibians. We endorse caging standards, sound husbandry, escape prevention protocols, and an integrated approach to vital conservation issues. Our goal is to facilitate cooperation between government agencies, the scientific community, and the private sector in order to produce policy proposals that will effectively address important husbandry and conservation issues. The health of these animals, public safety and maintaining ecological integrity are our primary concerns.”

How YOU can help

USARK Webpage:

USARK Memberships:


Lacey Act Pages:

Contact your Representatives:

What is happening?

USARK is actively fighting litigation to protect your rights when it comes to keeping exotic animals. USARK attempts to thwart illegitimate laws or clauses that directly ban or prohibit animal transportation across the USA.


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  • Josh Halter