Reptile and Amphibian Lighting - FAQs and Help — Ball Python
Here’s Why You SHOULDN’T Be Using a Heat Mat for Your Reptile
In this, in-depth post, we learn the downside of heating mats and the proper way to give heat to our beloved reptiles. Heat mats can be helpful in some cases, but are not always the best way to provide effective heating for thermo-regulation.How to Place Thermometer and Hygrometer Probes
In this, in-depth post, we learn how to place our thermometers/hygrometers and probes to benefit our reptiles and their needs!
- Josh Halter
- Tags: Ball Python ball python bioactive ball python terrarium bedding Bioactive Bioactive terrarium blue tongue skink corn snake Crested Gecko Dart Frog Day Gecko Gargoyle Gecko Gecko hognose snake leopard gecko caresheert ReptiFiles reptile substrate Skink snake soils substrate Tarantula care bioactive Terra Fauna Terra Firma Terra Flora Terra Sahara Terrarium Tokay Gecko Tree Frog veiled chameleon Vivarium