These complete self-sustaining, self-cleaning ecosystems for your tarantula, spider, scorpion, or other invertebrate come in 55 different species-specific kits. The Bio Dude tankless bioactive tarantua enclosure kits include everything that you need to create a natural, organic, living environment for your inverts. Each one of a kind Bio Dude bioactive kit is designed specifically for the instinctual needs and husbandry requirements of your pet. From deeper substrate, tunnel and burrow retention, to specific types of tubes or plants each kit will not only provide the best care but the best environment for your invertebrate. Need to know more on how to have your kit work perfect for you spider, tarantula, scorpion or other invertebrate? Just reach out to us at customercare@thebiodude.com
These advanced kits include everything you need to go Bioactive. They kits include an upgraded plant light (the Dude’s Glow and Grow instead of the Solar Grow), more plants, wood and carry a higher price point (but bigger discount) than the Dude’s basic species specific bioactive kits. Great if you are looking to get started with Bioactive.
Bioactive Tarantula Terrarium Kits
Antilles Pink Toe Tarantula (Caribena versicolor) Bioactive Vivarium Habitat Kit
Animals & Pet Supplies
Antilles Pink Toe Tarantula (Caribena versicolor) Bioactive Vivarium Habitat Kit
A complete bioactive terrarium kit for Antilles Pink Toe (Caribena versicolor) tarantula. These invertebrates commonly spend their time high in the trees. In the wild, their biome is very warm and tropical in Martinique in the Caribbean Sea. With the Dude’s one of a kind, handcrafted Terra Aranea it will allow you to create that environment that...
Asian Forest Scorpion (Heterometrus species) Bioactive Vivarium Kit
Animals & Pet Supplies
Asian Forest Scorpion (Heterometrus species) Bioactive Vivarium Kit
A complete bioactive terrarium kit for Asian Forest Scorpions, scientifically grouped together within the genus Heterometrus. These subtropical/tropical species of scorpions are distributed widely along Southeastern Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia, India, China, and et cetera. These nocturnal arachnids will create burrows under fallen logs a...
Chilean Flame/ Rose Hair Tarantula (Grammostola rosea/porteri) Bioactive Kit
Chilean Flame/ Rose Hair Tarantula (Grammostola rosea/porteri) Bioactive Kit
A complete bioactive terrarium kit for Chilean Flame Rose Hair (Grammostola rosea) tarantula or the Rose Hair tarantula (Grammostola porteri). These invertebrates commonly spend their time hanging out under fallen logs, leaf litter or in a burrow awaiting night fall. In the wild, their biome is scrub land. With the Dude’s one of a kind, handcraf...
Death Feigning Beetle (Asbolus sp.) Bioactive Vivarium Kit
Animals & Pet Supplies
Death Feigning Beetle (Asbolus sp.) Bioactive Vivarium Kit
A complete bioactive terrarium kit for Death Feigning Beetles, or all Asbolus sp. The genus Asbolus contains a small group of darkling beetles that are commonly found in South-western United States and Mexico. There are only four species, and the most common one you will find within the pet trade are Asbolus verrucosus, the Blue Death Feigning b...
Goliath Bird Eater (Theraphosa blondi) Bioactive Vivarium Kit
Animals & Pet Supplies
Goliath Bird Eater (Theraphosa blondi) Bioactive Vivarium Kit
A complete bioactive terrarium kit for Goliath Bird Eater (Theraphosa blondi) Tarantula. These grand invertebrates have made a name for themselves in the hobby for their massive size. They are commonly found in north South American regions, and most noticeable in the Amazon Rainforest! Despite their namesake and size, they rarely feed on ...
Mexican Red Knee (Brachypelma hamorii) Bioactive Habitat Vivarium Kit
Animals & Pet Supplies
Mexican Red Knee (Brachypelma hamorii) Bioactive Habitat Vivarium Kit
A complete tankless bioactive terrarium kit for Mexican Red Knee (Brachyelma hamorii) tarantula. These invertebrates commonly spend their time hanging out under fallen logs, leaf litter, and around the base of dense thorn bushes or subtropic flora which may warrant a slightly more frequent misting schedule unlike some of their relatives in this ...